Backorder Management

bởi NIC Systems Inc.

Allow under-receipt and under-shipment within a specified tolerance.

Backorder Management provides a suite of capabilities to help your organization handle “under-receipt” and “short shipment” scenarios. When the quantity of goods received is less than what was ordered, you will have the choice to accept the under-receipt within a specified tolerance and finish the purchase order. Similarly, when you are not able to fulfill an entire sales order, you have the choice to ship within a specified tolerance and post the sales invoice.

Types of Users

  • Procurement Employees

  • Sales Employees

  • Financial Employees

  • Warehouse Floor Workers

  • Sales Managers

  • Procurement Managers

Customer Needs

In many industries, it is common not to allow under-receipt due to the perishable nature of the product, and risks to quality. In this case, the user needs the ability to refuse backorders for vendor(s), item(s), item-vendor, or all backorders. Refusal of backorders means that if there is a short receipt, the system will post the receipt, and adjust quantities to allow for invoice posting.

Similarly, some companies have an agreement with a customer that if they are not able to fulfill an entire order, they will ship what is available without creating a backorder for the additional quantity.  In this case, the user needs the ability to refuse backorder for the customer(s), item(s), customer-item combination, or all backorders. Refusal means that if there is a backorder, the system will post the shipment, adjusting quantities to allow for invoice posting.

Key Features and Functionality

  • Define various under-receipt policies and assign them to the item(s), vendor(s), or combination of item and vendor. With an under-receipt policy, the user is allowed to receive less than the ordered quantity within the under-receipt tolerance percentage.
  • Set under-receipt quantity on the purchase order or warehouse receipts.
  • Define various under-shipment policies and assign them to items(s), customer(s), or a combination of items and customers. With an under-shipment policy, the user is allowed to ship less than the ordered quantity within the under-shipment tolerance percentage.
  • Set under-shipment quantity on sales orders or warehouse shipments.

Supported Countries

Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and United States

Supported Languages

English, French, and Spanish

Supported Editions

Essentials and Premium

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